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Registered on:10/4/2019
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[quote]tough shite[/quote] Except its not, because RCS support is happening. Its tough shite for you....

re: Made a trip to Hopedale long rocks

Posted by Fat Batman on 5/30/24 at 12:25 pm
[quote]Is that the MRGO closure?[/quote] I believe he's talking about the rock lined channel at the end of the MRGO. You can get there running the spoil canal that starts right at Hopedale Marina and you can pop out into the MRGO near the top of the long rocks....
Lol so Im supposed to usher in a cultural shift in the US. Got it, I'll start after work....
[quote]No, my point is use what you want to use, this doesn't require government interference. Competition is there, there are multiple options for everyone to use. The needed regulatory stuff is built into SMS/MMS.[/quote] This doesn't work. Messaging involves you and another person. I can't sim...
Apple loyalist have been conditioned to think this is some kind of competition where they win a prize if at the end of the day apple wins "the phone wars". This is a phenomenon Freud calls narcissism of minor differences. You see it in Xbox v. Playstation, Ford v. Chevy, how to boil crawfish :lol:, ...

re: Grand Isle Speck Reports?

Posted by Fat Batman on 5/28/24 at 5:13 pm
the bite was good last weekend, got on a few good groups. saw a lot of birds working too. i'm headed down friday and hope its more of the same....

re: Getting kids credit established

Posted by Fat Batman on 5/24/24 at 1:06 pm
My parents did this for me back in the day. But to play devils advocate, Im not sure I actually understand the benefit of piggybacking your child into an 800 credit score and a higher ability to over leverage themselves at 18 versus just letting them establish their credit score on their own? ...
[quote]What's the benefit of TruFuel? It seems to be a popular product.[/quote] I hate cutting grass and the closer i can get to grab and go for each piece of equipment and be done the better. I want to spent the minimum amount of time cutting grass and the maximum amount of time drinking beers. ...

re: USB external hard drive reader

Posted by Fat Batman on 5/21/24 at 4:00 pm
I use this one from Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B073SB3PD4?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title...

re: Tell me about Brazil

Posted by Fat Batman on 5/20/24 at 1:06 pm
[quote]Can I get by with English? What's the real deal with safety?[/quote] I've never been so take with a grain of salt, but I've talked to a friend of mine from there about wanting to go and both the above topics. He learned english largely through gaming online growing up, but said not a lot o...

re: Barcelona--Madrid--Porto

Posted by Fat Batman on 5/20/24 at 12:43 pm
[quote] Learned a small amount of Portuguese too, although from what I gather online that's one of the better countries to get by in English...true?[/quote] In Lisbon they speak a lot of English. When I was in Porto I was with some native Portuguese speakers so hard for me to gauge, but even in a...

re: Barcelona--Madrid--Porto

Posted by Fat Batman on 5/16/24 at 2:12 pm
[quote]You really won't need it much in Barcelona as a lot of people speak English. Madrid it is much more hit or miss.[/quote] Definitely hit or miss in Madrid. I was in Madrid a couple weeks ago at an irish pub. I was feeling lazy so when I got to the bar I asked the bartender in spanish if ...
[quote]Sony WH-1000XM4[/quote] My daily drivers and i like them a lot. I can wear them all day from a comfort and battery standpoint without issue. ...
ever notice how donna kelce looks like travis kelce dressed up as donna kelce in a movie where travis plays all his family members à la eddie murphy in nutty professor....
[quote]20 minutes worth of work.[/quote] i mean the guy is running a business and needs to make a certain amount over costs to justify being in business. his transfer service is part of that. i'm sure you've paid similar or more baed on per hour to other service based businesses. if you think he'...
sure but what you're saying and i'm saying doesn't seem mutually exclusive unless your point is you think govt and carriers should be driving the iteration on RCS....
[quote]it should be government vs carriers. [/quote] Im having trouble following you're overall point through the trivial details. but to the above, purely from a whats best for the RCS protocol going forward, Im not sure RCS implementation solely in the hands of the carriers would benefit RCS th...
[quote]That's just it, the government wants them to build their own version of messaging that is compatible with what Google is doing. The carriers, who should be doing this job, not Google or Apple, aren't doing shite and don't care to do shite here. You said carrier before, they are doing f**k all a...
Apple is going to use the RCS Universal Profile not Google's Jibe. I believe they've also indicated they are going to work with GSMA to add encryption to the Universal Profile....
i think you expressed your real feelings here pretty well and why you have a problem with this: [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/tech/sunbird-promising-imessage-for-android/105864732/)]sunbird messaging thread[/link] GiantKiller [quote]Apple will go scorched earth to stop it. [u]They k...