Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Number of Posts:43
Registered on:8/14/2019
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Right, they'll always throw their old and powerless politicians to the wolves so they can claim impartiality. When it's a useful politicians, then it's (D)ifferent and we should ignore their impropriety and hypocrisy....
I've sat on a jury where a defendant testified. I would never testify regardless of my innocence after watching that debacle. Giving up your fifth amendment rights and letting a state prosecutor interrogate you under oath is a terrible idea. I was shocked by the irrelevant tangents the prosecuto...
The real cost of that building would be maintaining it and paying the property taxes. I can't imagine what a nightmare it would be to own that building unoccupied. ...
He’s exactly right! No matter what they say about Trump, the Democrat party is completely unaccountable which is far more dangerous than anything a Republican could get away with....
For some reason independents are seemingly incapable of recognizing the extreme leftwing bias in the media and tend to lean Democrat because of that. It amazes me the independents and libertarians on my facebook feed that parrot Democrat talking points and post anti Trump propaganda from left wing s...
Before this flaming D Bag became a politician, I listened to his audiobook discussing his career. He started out as licensed mariner, then went to the Naval academy, became an F14 carrier pilot, then an Air Force Test pilot, then piloted the Space Shuttle, and finally spent a year on ISS. That's an ...
James and Engoron are both terrible human beings as are the liberal turds that support this judgement....

re: What exactly is a RINO?

Posted by ElCazador on 2/19/24 at 12:18 pm
Someone that sides with Democrats in certain circumstances or uses their false narratives. It's one thing to oppose Trump, it's completely unacceptable to ever side with scum bag Democrats or use their lies to further your agenda. No matter their internal differences, all Republicans should ...
If you're a conservative, you should be willing to crawl through a mile of broken glass to vote against the evil that is the Democrat party. How can you be so blind to their corruption, lawlessness, lack of accountability, and weaponization? They are the greatest threat this country has ever faced. ...
Maybe the Democrats should try to win the election by having policy positions that aren't complete dogshit, holding their own accountable for the rampant corruption and dishonesty within their own party, denouncing the proliferation of left wing propaganda posing as legitimate news, and trying to ac...
We'd all be better off if these two would battle each other by trying to create the best plan to fight the Democrats if they win instead of attacking each other. I'm so sick of them tearing each other apart when what we really want is them to tear the Democrats a new a-hole. ...
They're selling parts kits, which are comprised of all of the parts of the gun that are not serialized and not considered a firearm by the ATF. Parts kits are for sale all over the internet. Often they're foreign guns that have the receivers and barrels destroyed and then gun builders can replace th...
The blame should be laid equally on all of the Republicans who refuse to rally around whichever candidate wins the primary. Ron and Trump fans seem to be equally culpable. The worst are the neverTrumpers who'd rather see a Democrat win. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. While the ...
[quote]Evangelicals were so pleased with themselves over Dobbs. How did that work out for you?[/quote] Passing abortion bans at the state or federal level(unconstitutional) may be a bad political decision (even if morally/ethically correct), but SCOTUS absolutely made the right decision in Dobbs....
[quote]They can bring civil lawsuits but pretty sure they’d lose since he was a govt employee. Will they allow civil lawsuits against Nancy for failing to stop it? The FBI for participating? [/quote] Before a DC jury in a civil suit, Trump stands zero chance to win regardless of the merits. The ...
Boy wouldn't that be nice! I can't imagine what it would be like to have a media watchdog instead of Democrat propagandists. ...
This will disappear like a fart in the wind....
Decriminalization of Marijuana at the Federal level. Where I differ, is that I believe it should be left up to the states to decide per the constitution. I do believe states should decriminalize it as well, but they should not be forced by the Fed. I also differ from the commies, in that I d...
If Trump crop dusted a White House Aide every person with access to the internet on the planet would know about it within five minutes. Biden commits treasonous acts that have been suspected for half a decade and half of this country is just now finding out about it. This is a big problem. We need j...
If they wanted to do so, nothing short of an appeal after you're convicted would stop them. All they have to do is get a corrupt Democrat prosecutor in a major urban area to indict you under a left wing grand jury. An urban judge and jury is going to almost certainly be left wing lunatics that won'...