Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:bagels and tacos
Occupation:bagel and taco inspector
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Registered on:8/4/2007
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If Twitter were still spouting leftist lies non-stop, you would be all over the new feature. ...
“I identify as” = “I pretend to be” So - no. You can’t change your gender, race, or species. ...
[quote]Sounds like the post of some dumb white dude.[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/1sJEAluwKFAAAAAC/looking-in-mirror-meme-templates.gif[/img] There is no help for you self-loathing goose-steppers. ...
[quote]You responded to my post[/quote] I responded to your use of a term. I didn’t mention a link. You are wrong…again. ...
[quote]He said he could shoot someone on Fifth Ave and he wouldn't lose his base. [/quote] He didn’t say whom he would shoot. If it were a terrorist, you would probably be upset. ...
[quote]Maybe you can provide the link.[/quote] For? ...
[quote]And it worked perfectly for the dems.[/quote] So you and the TDS Krewe should be happy. ...
[quote]The Clapping Seal Team 6 [/quote] The TDS Krewe? Predictable? [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/Qb4QTiYvh3cAAAAC/gif.gif[/img] ...
[quote]so fricking predictable. [/quote] The TDS Krewe? [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/Qb4QTiYvh3cAAAAC/gif.gif[/img]...
[quote]No biggie.[/quote] Freedom is a rather big deal imho. ...
[quote]While Trump was advocating the vaccine*, he never tried to make it mandatory.[/quote] It’s why it isn’t a “wedge issue.” ...
[quote]RFK Jr. is a radical pro-abort who wants to jail people who don't share his views on climate change. Why would I be pushing him?[/quote] Your TDS...
[quote]McCain was a great Senator [/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/LhMou-abcdYAAAAC/mc-cain-thumbs-down.gif[/img]...
[quote]Jackson is a backup, midweek guy...you don't win championships with Jackson leading the line. [/quote] He is 22 and didn’t have shoes until 16. He is still learning the position. Yet he had numbers similar to Drogba. He is going to be a stud in time. He is just raw. A healt...
[quote]eventually libs will have to admit they were wrong[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/UMAuimrDs9cAAAAd/thats-not-actually-how-it-works-gale.gif[/img]...
[quote]Have you forgotten our lack of an actual striker?[/quote] Between Nkuku and Jackson, I’m comfortable at forward for now. Even keeper is no longer a necessity. Centerback….that’s another story. If Fofana comes back, he should be slotted in one spot imho. As for the other one? I sugge...
[quote]That 0.04% slice of CO2 looks small, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be impactful.[/quote] True. It needs to be a larger slice. ...
[quote]Data sourcing was all the same or at least very similar[/quote] So all of them were virtually untested, or tested in facilities that were either cutting corners, or rubber-stamping bogus results? I have zero faith in the drug manufacturing and research industry. ...
[quote]Our squad is huge there is no greater chance of getting hurt in a Europa game compared with a conference game.[/quote] I wouldn’t expect our best to play conference matches. You can’t get hurt if you don’t play. It doesn’t matter, we are in Europa. Cest La vie. ...
5 straight wins, qualified for European football. The future looks bright. [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/vaQwo56zae0AAAAC/barbie-ryan-gosling.gif[/img]...