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Biography:Human - on Earth all my life
Interests:oblong balls
Number of Posts:1058
Registered on:8/1/2007
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When this sham conviction doesn't move the polls as the dems hoped, they can't pull back. Once the cackling celebrations die down, some on the dem side are going to realize that they may have made it more likely that Trump becomes president. Jail or travel restriction will be all they have. ...
There is either a mole in jury room, jury room bugged, or both. As to why judge would panic, this farce is even being called out by some on the left. Trump gets in with his DOJ and this judge could be sitting at counsel table instead of the bench some day. To protect higher ups this judge wil...
Verdict today. Jury going to get one free lunch but not sequestered. Guilty on 80 to 100% of all counts. Biden being drug prepped for his end zone dance speech so verdict has to be quick. Verdict will strengthen Trump so next step will have to be decided by Soros, zuck, Bezos, Gates, etc...
Only a very slight chance the Supremes allow an immediate writ or appeal and only if Judge jails Trump...
Trump guilty of most charges. Those jurors were visited during the one week recess. Will judge order Trump held without bond? He won't survive 24 hrs at Rikers. This has backfired on dems so bad the best outcome for them is a hung jury so they can start retrial next week. Unless they are ...
Black women will not vote for Trump in any significant number. Conditioning and inability to rationally think for themselves prevents that from happening. Black men will vote more for Trump than before. I know some but these guys know what a 401k is, etc. All say they don't advertise their vot...
Homemade Vanilla. Now get off my lawn....
Does anyone really believe Joe Biden, the biggest racist the dems have run since LBJ, really got 16,000,000 more votes than Obama? Swing states will manufacture more than enough. They made the steal in 2020 obvious and got away with it. Nothing to stop a repeat. Assuming we don't get a fal...
Do you have the ability to read a history book on war in eastern Europe, particularly involving Russia and Ukraine? Civilian casualties? Oh the humanity! Both sides have specialized in killing civilians for centuries. Let's see, picture Russian operation staff at division or corps level, ...
The news coverage will focus on people in MAGA hats waving confederate and nazi flags. Of course plants by Soros affiliated groups....

re: They will find Trump guilty

Posted by dietcoke7 on 5/21/24 at 4:26 pm
If a hung jury and mistral declared they will reset new trial within 30 days. Edit. Tried cases for decades. Never had a lawyer on a jury. One side, sometimes both would challenge. Judges would exclude for cause particularly in criminal cases. If there are two lawyers on jury the judge wante...
The backbone of thr dem party. Probably run for mayor of some shithole next. Or become election workers. Saw almost this exact same thing on a SW flight out of Atlanta recently. The queen removed from flight along with apparently her mother....
1. Get a lawyer. 2. Freeze your credit and do a detailed credit check on both of you. 3. Record all phone and in person conversations. LA is a one consent state not sure where you are. 4. Consider she may be playing for the other team. That comment about being afraid of you is classi...

re: How can Biden debate Trump?

Posted by dietcoke7 on 5/16/24 at 1:46 pm
Will have the questions and answers on a pad in front of him. Device in ear for coaching....
Trumps questions will be on three subjects. 1. Jan 6 2. Abortion 3. Convicted felon in WH. Trump agreeing to CNN is idiotic....
[quote]Houma[/quote] Still decent but will be Morgan City in a few years. Driving down Main, Barrow and Lafayette streets commercial property close and/or abandoned. Some nice residential areas but baby boomers going fast....
We just annoited Zelensky dictator. When DOJ announces after Nov elections that ,name your group of whiney dems, were denied the right to vote in some red state, election invalid. Unless they have stolen enough votes. They always tell you where they are going. ...
Would love that accent in Congress....
2009 Mitsubishi Lancer bought new as daily driver. Just regular maintenance and a radiator. 170k miles. Car made in Japan ...