Favorite team:Minnesota 
Interests:Minnesota’s 7 national football titles
Number of Posts:1221
Registered on:3/3/2019
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[quote]What's this "turning the frogs gay" shite?[/quote] He was actually sort of right about that [link=(https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842049/)]https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842049/[/link]...
[quote]January 6th says Hi.[/quote] Cool. Keep me posted, bro. ...
[quote]And there was much less burning than your fever dreams lead you to believe.[/quote] -More than 1,000 buildings were burned or damaged in Minneapolis in the days after George Floyd’s murder. -In the week after Floyd’s murder, more than 300 buildings in St. Paul were damaged. -The ATF ...
The Trump trial was rigged just like the 2020 election was rigged. I also fully expect the 2024 election to be rigged. I can say this because the democrats have proven that they can’t be honest about anything. ...

re: Julie Kelly got it right

Posted by Bernie Bierman on 5/30/24 at 6:51 pm
[quote]it’s almost like there’s a uni party….[/quote] The faster the average person realizes this the better. ...

re: What was the crime

Posted by Bernie Bierman on 5/30/24 at 5:59 pm
He opposed globalism. That’s very naughty. ...
[quote]Pizzagate was and is real.[/quote] This has been debunked by expert fact checkers. Coincidentally, some of those fact checkers were later exposed as being pedos themselves. ...
Be grateful that we all live in a time when men can menstruate. If our ancestors had the intellect of modern day lefties, we’d probably be terraforming mars by now. ...
[quote]We had a guy who played on the Rockets (albeit briefly) who you are talking about. Is it the same guy?[/quote] Same dood. ...
[quote]He changed the world.[/quote] He sort of did. The resulting riots that were deemed a-ok by public health officials in the height of a deadly pandemic was a major piece of evidence that the virus was a nothing burger. ...
[quote]Imagine fighting for a government that hates you.[/quote] Not only that, but fighting for their corrupt money laundering little playground that is Ukraine. Fck that. ...
[quote]Night Vision[/quote] Gif and downvotes aside, I really have a hard time believing that upwards of 50% of students in the cohort are passing step 1 and then fcking up their shelf exams. Asinine if true. ...
[quote]more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.[/quote] I have a hard time believing this. ...
[quote]what would happen if they started prosecuting criminals [/quote] That’d be oppressive and white supremacist. Progressive are progressing us all somewhere, but they never say what that somewhere is. ...
Even with a plethora of evidence such as this, lefties will maintain that they are not coming after the kids with the alphabet agenda. Kind of makes me wonder what it would look like if they were admittedly targeting the kids. ...
[quote]I think MIN wins their first professional title in team history and first for the state since the 1991[/quote] Oh deary me. Minnesota sports bros… the innocence and optimism is so pure. Brings me back to when I was a young boy. ...
History shows that this has happened to several countries. Islam plays the long game, and for some reason, lefties across the West have been brainwashed to believe that it won’t happen in their country. There was a video floating around years back of undercover cameras in mosques around Europe w...
[quote]prosecutors would not pursue the case even if they found illegal guns[/quote] I’d love to hear a progressive justify the above quote in the context of their simultaneous pursuit for common sense gun legislation....
Trust the science bros… concealing info is a good thing, right? ...
[quote]Sounds like Dylan loves Trader Joe's as much as I do[/quote] Bro, are those chips as good as Big Dyl says they are? ...