Favorite team:Auburn 
Number of Posts:21581
Registered on:12/30/2018
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]Speaking of, does anyone know who UGA has scheduled for homecoming this szn?[/quote] Same team Mizzou scheduled :lol:...
[quote]Summer of Jimbo[/quote] All up in the Auburn thread again. [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/169288024533401031/F8B70F8384B73C88F4926F51AB718DD2F3BC0B18/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false[/img]...
[quote]Looks like he escaped from here:[/quote] :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :cheers:...
[quote]Yeah, love the North Carolina trailer trash talking bullshite when their background includes an academic scandal with the football team in 2011.[/quote] He's a Bama fan. Even worse....
[quote]Fine being the Jimmy Swaggart of the league?[/quote] I don't give a frick. Everything in CFB is for sale. Quit clutching your god damn pearls. ...
[quote]Auburn has been dirty [b]but pretends to be squeaky clean[/b][/quote] bullshite. [quote]You should all admit it like this and we probably wouldn’t even care any more.[/quote] Double bullshite....
[quote]At first I thought you said righting the strip. Because he hired strippers and prostitutes.[/quote] Good one. You should find an open mic night somewhere [quote]But he has repented now [/quote] I don't give a frick :lol: This is about winning football games. ...

re: Caption this.

Posted by Leto II on 6/11/24 at 2:21 pm
I thought that was Cam Newton on the left for a minute :lol:...
[quote]Theyre still making them. F-15EX Eagle II [/quote] Thank you for answering. It's not unreasonable to think maybe a fighter that's over 50+ years old might not still be active. I know we have sold some to other countries....
[quote]This is why not everyone should be allowed to vote.[/quote] Yes, this is why :rolleyes: ...
[quote]Since he's threatening to send F15s I'll take all the ammo I can carry.[/quote] Do we still have F15s in service? Serious question....
[quote]Yes, and Auburn couldn’t get “Husky Harsin.” [/quote] Why the frick would we hire any kind of Harsin after the disaster the OG was? You will find out soon enough. [quote]They are stuck with Preacher Prostie, a man with a past.[/quote] Fine by me. At least he's coached and recruited in...
[quote]A top tier coach isn’t going to Auburn.[/quote] Husky Harsin :lol:...
Yep. That's why Gus lost his job in the end. Hopefully Freeze can at least get us somewhat competitive again....
huh? And you don't think Trump is worshipped?...