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Registered on:8/9/2018
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I’m getting reports from folks on the ground but not seeing any news coverage yet. Will update with what I find. ETA: Via Tulane Facebook: [quote]TU Alert: Police Action School of Medicine Police activity, stay away from area until all clear has been sent.[/quote] Tulane now saying t...
[img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/x-FL-l7ERS4AAAAC/and-here-we-go-joker.gif[/img] [quote]A hacking group with ties to the Russian government is suspected of carrying out a cyberattack in January that caused a tank at a Texas water facility to overflow, experts from US cybersecurity firm Mandiant sa...
[quote] NOPD is putting their time in on this one.[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/3ec4a996-deda-4229-a359-af6d1743723d_text.gif[/img]...

re: TGIF Watch thread

Posted by HenryParsons on 4/5/24 at 9:49 am
Panda [img]https://fifthwrist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Wrist-1F-4.jpg[/img]...
Nirvana fans in 1994: “we want another album” Kurt Cobain: [img]https://media.tenor.com/ztrXnH2eh8cAAAAM/shame-coronet.gif[/img]...
Stupid cookout. As if their f*cking cookout is any sort of big thing. You should see my f*cking cookouts, man. When I was back in Seattle, I had the goddamn Spoonman from the Soundgarden videos coming to my sh*t. I’m talking 6 grills burning at all times. Tiki torches, 3 whole pigs, sh*tloads of mac...
[quote]I got up at 4:30 am and have been grinding away since 5:30 am[/quote] That’s child’s play, I was up a 3:00 and was on the job before you were out of bed. ...
[img]https://preview.redd.it/p-diddy-and-hillary-clinton-at-the-democratic-national-v0-jcadcpj5v9rc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=8b1ebaf96e27b7f5d6a0f34ce8928d3b556cd6e0[/img] [img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/09/04/20/37E8354B00000578-0-image-a-32_1473016268862.jpg[/img] ...
The crazies are going to keep popping up throughout the rest of the year. Keep your head on a swivel; be ready and vigilant. Stay safe. [img]https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/authoring/authoring-images/2024/04/01/USAT/73172096007-fbi-atlanta-crash.JPG?crop=1412,793,x69,y0[/img] [img]https://a57...

re: Urinal in private bathroom

Posted by HenryParsons on 4/1/24 at 10:26 pm
[quote]I have a urinal right off my back porch.[/quote] Like this? [img]https://oddstuffmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/outdoor-urinal.jpg[/img]...
[quote]The farts are going to be horrendous.[/quote]...
Playing in a ditch/canal in the neighborhood Riding bikes with friends all day long in the summertime Starting fires Telling my little cousins the Easter Bunny/Santa aren't real ...
R.I.P. WAITR, I kinda forgot this existed. [quote]“After 15 years of dedicated service, we’ve made the tough decision to cease operations,” a statement on ASAP’s website reads. “We write to you today filled with gratitude for your unwavering loyalty and support throughout our journey.”[/quote] ...
[quote]Scotland’s hate crime law went into effect on Monday. It bans hatred on the basis of age, disability, race, religion, sexual orientation and transgender identity.[/quote] [quote]Her next book could be Harry Potter and the prisoner of Trans-kaban. JK Rowling is daring police in her nat...
What happened to this state? You used to be able to have a couple cold ones and go for a cruise......