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Outside Pitch to Left Handers

Posted by LSU2ALA on 6/2/24 at 7:49 pm
The ump has had a pretty generous zone today except for the outside pitch to left handed batters. The pitchers appear to be squeezed there. I don’t remember seeing an ump squeeze one side a lot more than the other when it comes to batter handedness. ...
[quote]Larry Bird?[/quote] Pretty sure I remember Bird being excellent in the regular season as well. ...

re: Pull Kade; Start Kade

Posted by LSU2ALA on 6/2/24 at 2:00 pm
[quote]you’re telling me he can throw 50 miles an hour before and after a 3 hour break?[/quote] Whether or not he can is beside the point. That’s not good for an arm. My son is 11 and pitches, and I wouldn’t want a coach doing that to him. ...
[quote]You don’t think the man wants to keep the ball in his hand?[/quote] Of course he does, but it’s a coach’s job to protect a player from himself. A player with a concussion in football wants to come back in as well. That doesn’t mean you let him do so. This is the longest and best outing he ...
[quote]It's just not me. I'm affectionate with my own kids and my mom and bros/sisters, but I do not hug other kids or adults. That's just me.[/quote] I think you are right in that your normal disposition colors how you see it, and mine colors it the other way. The fact you lean right, and I lean...
[quote]I coached my 8th grade daughters basketball team. I asked a mom of another girl on the team to be my assistant that knew zero about basketball. I told her the whole of her job was to "mother" the girls when they needed it, that I was not going to ever do more than a fist bump. No hugs for owi...
[quote]You wouldn't have a problem with Joe Biden if that was your little girl in that video?[/quote] I would have zero issue. None at all. I’m a hugger though. I’m touchy feely. My daughter is as well. Maybe that colors my viewpoint. Who knows? I just know I see absolutely nothing that causes m...
[quote]While logistically difficult, if it could be done the RNC should because they have to should they can fight back with rapid retaliations.[/quote] Try logistically impossible. I will guarantee you that there are already events booked for that day and the days around them. It’s not like they...
[quote]Biden’s student loan relief is a crime in iowa.[/quote] Sure thing. Let’s run that up the flag pole and see what happens. You’re going to be laughed out of court, but give it a run. ...
Well that guy is clearly someone who has never planned a large event like this and thinks you can just move it up 2 weeks. Impossible. ...
[quote]10% of RINOs FIFY[/quote] Problem is their votes count as much as anyone else’s vote. The margins are so tight that neither candidate can say F ‘em. Didn’t want that vote anyway. ...
[quote]Less likely” doesn’t mean “vote for Joe Biden”.[/quote] That is 100% the case. If they were never going to vote for Trump, then this poll is meaningless. If they realistically were going to vote for Trump and now don’t, then that’s huge even if they don’t for Biden. The margins are going t...
[quote]So I understand, you're arguing that Biden didn't pinch her or you're arguing it's no big whoop if he did? ETA - do you also believe Ashley Biden's diary is fake?[/quote] I’m arguing he didn’t pinch her nipple. Watch the video, the little girl is laughing at the end of it. She clearly did...
That is the nipple pinching video? Are you serious? There is absolutely nothing there. Nothing at all. You are seeing what you want to see. I thought you might actually have something as you seem pretty reasonable most of the time. There are plenty of reasons to not like Biden. This video isn’t on...

Can Tommy White run through 1st base?

Posted by LSU2ALA on 6/1/24 at 7:17 pm
We were going to lose regardless, but this is twice this game he is jogging into 1st including the double play. Run through the bag man. ...

Walk this batter

Posted by LSU2ALA on 6/1/24 at 6:54 pm
Set up a force at home. ...

re: Why doesn’t LSU bunt?

Posted by LSU2ALA on 6/1/24 at 6:50 pm
[quote]We don't bunt. We don't steal bases. Just waiting for the HR.[/quote] At least at the MLB level, bunting has been shown to be a net negative as a strategy. Outs are too precious to willingly give them away. Also, you have to steal north of an 80% success rate to make steals a net positive...
[quote]Your silly[/quote] You’re dumb and just reinforcing your normal quality of posting. ...
[quote]Good job coach.[/quote] Coach was more successful on that pitch than you have ever been as a poster. ...
[quote]Some people struggle with disappointment so they lash and and blame. It’s a coping mechanism.[/quote] Exactly. It was his 110th pitch. He missed his spot. He was tired and didn’t have his legs, so he missed. It happens. Sometimes the other guy gets you. It happens here. ...