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Registered on:5/25/2018
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Katrina in 2005. Point of no return. ...
No, I believe that the female’s health is an extremely important issue that is easily disregarded by a group of inexperienced guys for some “greater good.” I also believe that there are many warranted reasons as to why a majority of citizens, regardless of political ideology, feel that abortions can...
[quote]Also please explain to me if a fetus must be removed to save the life of the mother why do you feel the need to not just remove the child but to also kill it with scissors?[/quote] Not sure I can explain killing a child with scissors because that’s not even remotely close to the issue at h...
Not the sharpest tack in the drawer, are you? This non viable fetus, far from a dead child, can cause all sorts of life threatening complications to the female that was growing the fetus. If the body does not abort this miscarriage naturally, there are no treatment options other than a d&c which hin...
[quote]Why can’t you people be honest with yourselves and admit the truth. You are in favor of women being allowed to kill their unborn child. And admit it is not her body she is killing. The truth is hard to face sometimes. You favor murder under the correct circumstances. Be honest[/quote] A...
Abortions for non viable fetuses and genetic abnormalities. I honestly think medical treatments and procedures should be regulated by the medical community. ...