Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:1482
Registered on:2/13/2007
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[quote]Not arguing with you, but how is the land the course is on shittier than anything else around there, including Alex Box, the Tennis center, etc.?[/quote] Not sure about comparing one area over the other, but I remember when they built the new business school center and taking classes next ...
Hawthorne had a great radio voice. You could picture the lights on in tiger stadium or bertman slow walking to the mound. Blair (and others, some of the other SEC games broadcasted on TV for example are absolute bores) sounds like he is commenting on like a midweek film scout report. ...
They never really got in set stance at many points in games. In the SEC there aren’t really scrubs, if you don’t have low center of gravity and foot on the gas it’s just not going to work. ...
The F 35 program will cost us $1.6 trillion. This argument just doesn’t hold any water whatsoever. That’s more than every country in the world combined spends annually. ...
Will be harder to quiet the conspiracy theorists. 1960s was a long time ago. ...
This defense was also so historically bad so as to warrant a mass firing. How did we build and allow it to happen to literally field a division II defense? ...

re: JD's own Heisman website

Posted by kfaulk03 on 11/27/23 at 2:10 pm
Hopefully posted already. The comparison is clear. [img][url=https://ibb.co/zFZ7T0v][img]https://i.ibb.co/gdJPLBK/IMG-1395.jpg[/img][/url][/img]...

re: Vietnam War: Mistake or not

Posted by kfaulk03 on 8/22/23 at 12:54 pm
And at what cost? Blood, treasure, central authority to draft our sons for a war in Vietnam? For what gains? For what natural resources? For what ideals? You think you can bomb and agent orange someone out of a poor ideology? Well what is the merit of your ideology where that end justifies the m...

re: Vietnam War: Mistake or not

Posted by kfaulk03 on 8/22/23 at 5:47 am
[quote]The Vietnam War is the most misunderstood event in American history. 1. we actually won the war militarily when we forced the North Vietnamese to sign the Paris Peace Accords. 2. The Tet Offensive was nowhere near a “turning point” in favor of North Vietnam. What it actually was, was one ...
I’m not sure why everyone is so hard on a freshman struggling with SEC breaking balls and offspeed. The guy had seen literally nothing like that outside of maybe 10 pitches in one high school playoff game - his prior 10,000 pitches were basically bp compared. If someone struggles late into 2nd o...

re: Who here is an Architect?

Posted by kfaulk03 on 7/28/23 at 11:14 am
Also you can get a masters in architecture and only be like one year behind the bachelors of 5 years in architecture so I thought I might as well do that instead of spending 75hrs in the studio at 18 years old and having a social life. Lastly, that undergraduate time requirement will undoubtedly ...

re: Who here is an Architect?

Posted by kfaulk03 on 7/28/23 at 11:09 am
I did a semester. It was like some sort of hazing experience rather than actually learning anything about architecture. The market can’t take that many new architects so in my class they were trying to take like 92 freshman down to like 25 graduates. In order to do this, they just developed some hor...
I wonder if for a female jogging if a mountain lion is actually the higher probability risk. They tend to hit u from behind, are attracted to a running movement, and a 115lb woman would have a tough go. ...
[quote]Anyone else’s wife read a book that improved your adult time?[/quote] I like reading sailboat magazines and pretending I’m going to sail away one day...

re: Am I Gonna Die of Tetanus, Baws?

Posted by kfaulk03 on 6/9/23 at 9:17 am
I had this problem a few years ago and looked up the data to see. In a country of like 350m people, there’s an absurdly low rate of tetanus infection. The myth doesn’t match the infection risk. ...
[quote]How would starting Skenes have changed that? Would they have been better off to start Skenes and still lose 2-1?[/quote] The point was that if u dont start Skenes and get down, burning the pen game 1 while facing a possible loss is not an enviable situation. Conceding and saving the pen is...
What isn’t being discussed is what do you do if you don’t start Skenes and we are down 4-1 in the 6th against Tulane? Do you burn half the pen trying to get out of Tulane as this itself is not a pretty solution. Do you start to concede Tulane but that was meant to be your highest % win chance? ...
3500/month daycare true story ...
Why is a softball coach paid 500k is, I dare say, a reasonable question? ...