Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:Fishing, hunting, gardening
Number of Posts:1855
Registered on:11/4/2017
Online Status:Not Online

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It's nearly a year-round sport here. It's a 6-month sport in Michigan....
[quote]Honestly, feel like Joey was the traitor in this situation. I'll watch the Nathan's contest but it won't be the same.[/quote] Same here, but I just can't help a chuckle at the fact that Chestnut has taken a sponsorship from a vegan company after literally getting famous [b]for[/b] grote...

re: TPWD deer kill off

Posted by Tangineck on 6/10/24 at 7:37 pm
Deer aren't meant to be domesticated, pen raised animals. Domesticated animals have died a billion deaths to reach a point where they can tolerate it....

re: Grand Isle Fishing Pier

Posted by Tangineck on 6/10/24 at 7:30 pm
The state park pier is closed. The pier at Bridgeside marina is open. You can catch a mess of fish off the Bridgeside pier, and it safe for a 5 year old....
One of nature's most curious creations. ...

re: Redfish limit change

Posted by Tangineck on 6/7/24 at 9:28 am
I also legitimately don't remember the last time I caught a redfish between 18 and 27. Everything I catch is over or under the slot....

re: Redfish limit change

Posted by Tangineck on 6/7/24 at 9:27 am
[quote]you can only keep the limits for the customers and not include the caption and crew limits.[/quote] This is the intent of the law. It's the same way for specs now....
[link=(https://youtu.be/5AN35AhyRyw?si=wvAFZM8y5LZv28Mt)]Beer Can Superman[/link]...
1-a: Ask me for a solution/advice then tell me I'm wrong and do the opposite. 1-b: Blaming someone else for the consequences of decisions they made. ...

re: UNC 4 @ LSU 3 Final

Posted by Tangineck on 6/3/24 at 7:15 pm
The bats are wasting this absolute gem by Hellmers. Someone pick this man up!...

re: UNC 4 @ LSU 3 Final

Posted by Tangineck on 6/3/24 at 6:52 pm
You don't pull a guy dealing like Hellmers is ride now. You ride him until he makes you pull him....

re: UNC 4 @ LSU 3 Final

Posted by Tangineck on 6/3/24 at 6:34 pm
This is where we chase their pitcher baws. Let's do this....

re: UNC 4 @ LSU 3 Final

Posted by Tangineck on 6/3/24 at 6:23 pm
William "the absolute unit" Hellmers...
[quote]He went 2-5 today. In the last 13 games, he's hit in 11 of them (17 hits total). We can't ask him to go 3 for __ every game. This team has many holes in the lineup. The 2 spot ain't one of them.[/quote] Agree with this totally. He's being held to an impossible standard, and he's pressing i...
[quote]Swinging at a marginal 3-0 pitch[/quote] Tommy has the green light to swing at any pitch he wants because he's the best hitter on the team, by far, and one of the best to ever do it wearing purple and gold. You can't hit a home run at every at bat. There's no one else I'd rather have at th...
[quote]Holy shite wrong board[/quote] Technically classifies as professional wrestling...
It was a tough decision, but Jay called me for advice the night before and I told him to dance with who brung ya. ...
I've never been bitten by a venomous snake but I have wondered if it feels like a much worse insect bite. I'd imagine it's painful as hell....