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Registered on:9/30/2017
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[quote]Well we know who ratted on who.[/quote] The X post says who did. Usually though, it’s the student themselves, often after a parent finds out....

re: 2023 birth rates by race

Posted by DesScorp on 6/11/24 at 8:15 pm
[quote]Soys with man buns are killing the white race[/quote] The women drove the dagger in. The boys just embraced it....

re: What are these women training for?

Posted by DesScorp on 6/11/24 at 5:52 pm
[quote]Can’t decide if hot or disgusting…[/quote] Someone at CDC is losing their shite over this clip....
[quote]They're not woke women in the sense of third wave feminists. They're more like cool butch chicks you'd wanna slam some beers with[/quote] That’s a perfect description of Paglia. Because she IS a semi-butch....

re: Wokeness with modern authors sucks

Posted by DesScorp on 6/11/24 at 5:17 pm
Years ago I discovered an incredibly talented writer named Christopher Moore. I just tore through his books. Then, like so many, after Dubya’s re-election he just went off the rails. It got to the point where I couldn’t even stand to see his name. Same for Stephen King and several others. I just avo...

re: Mary Shelleys Frankenstein

Posted by DesScorp on 6/11/24 at 5:12 pm
You’ll be hard pressed to find a bigger fan of classic horror than I, but James Whale made a better Frankenstein than Shelley did....
[quote]Canadian women are without question tougher than American women and its not even close. They are also hornier per capita[/quote] A small subset are. Most are much like American Women. Oppression, the Patriarchy, etc etc....
[quote]was hot as frick. We took the boat in tickfaw river and did some tubing.[/quote] “Sugar, it was so hot the HIV mutated a new strain”....
[quote]Stewardesses too.[/quote] When’s the last time you flew? the heyday of beautiful young stewardesses passed with the long-dead glamour of the jet age. You’re going to get a mix of middle aged women and gay men these days....
[quote]guess all of the Facebook warriors are not hurting Disney as much as they think they are! [/quote] Lots of groomers and cucks with money to blow....
[quote]the further and further we get away from WWII, the more I’m convinced we should’ve not taken any side in Europe.[/quote] Especially in the first one....
[quote]Box office Will Smith is back! [/quote] Jada will celebrate by banging her boyfriend twice tonight....
[quote] Companies allowing Marketing degrees to make operational decisions.[/quote] Further, the impact of Millenials moving into management positions cannot be emphasized enough: that was the generation that brought the sea change on perceptions of "alternate sexualities" and is the most libera...
[quote]Western Europe is on a bullet train to death[/quote] Being conquered by the Russians is frankly the best thing that could happen at this point....
[quote]People will start flying out of windows[/quote] Let’s start with Cohen....
Oh for fricks sake. It’s the same goddammed thing every single quarter. “Increased payrolls” always disappear during the “revised forecast”. You’re Kevin Bacon at this point. Just stop. For God’s sake, retain a tiny shred of dignity and just stop. [img]https://y.yarn.co/3395c298-ad54-4831-8e13...

re: Short men married to taller women

Posted by DesScorp on 6/7/24 at 9:13 am
[quote]Number of Posts: 126[/quote] So which one are you?...
[quote]Muh youths will destroy society A tale as old as time[/quote] “I’m hip and edgy and better than all you fricks complaining about this problem. So I’ll just pretend there’s no problem and that makes me cool”. Post as old as the Internet....

re: Questionable Calls - NSFW

Posted by DesScorp on 6/7/24 at 9:04 am
[quote]quote:Swank looks like Matt Damon's twin sister I can’t unsee it.[/quote] *Team America voice * PAT … DAMON...