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[quote]how Kanye West showed her text messages from his MK Ultra handler,[/quote] Yeah....uh no, not buying that shite. Next you're going to claim Antonio Brown is the leader of the illuminati....
[quote]The WH claimed executive privilege over the recordings. Would be a tough case against Garland on that basis alone.[/quote] How is that any different than Steve Bannon whom they are putting in prison?...
[quote]So what’s the dems angle on this? 1) the video looks staged 2) why would someone be recording her at that exact moment in time? 3) why/how was this leaked?[/quote] Wasn't Nancy Pelosi's daughter "coincidentally" filming a documentary during Jan 6?...
He has had a stutter his whole life, yall!! Bunch of conspiracy theorist lol...
[quote]The fact that the Dems aren’t trying to hide Biden, and they are letting him out in public so much where he can be seen, tells me they want him replaced.[/quote] I think the Dems have a target date to pull the trigger on a replacement but they are waiting to see how public opinion shakes out...
It starts with accountability. So far there has been none....
How many millions of dollars are hurt feelings going for these days? ...
[quote] think that is a very, very flawed mindset. Which, if I may be Frank, is quite shocking to see around here. ?[/quote] I don't recognize this country anymore. We used to have shared values, united principals that held our society together. The left has destroyed that. I no longer believe we c...
They really run the risk of overplaying their hand. This trial was absolutely rigged. The more people are educated about the details the more public opinion will align with that view........only now you have given more legitacy to his other claims of rigged prossesses too. If you can weaponize u...
[quote]I'm still struggling to understand how the misdemeanors got turned into felonies. [/quote] They used the vagueness of a NY statute as the catalyst. Then they ignored the constitution at both the state and federal level. Look, this sham trial wasn't meant to survive appeal. This is about...
[quote]It’s crazy, but I’m leaning towards them coming back not guilty rather quickly.[/quote] I hope your right but this trial was rigged about as badly as a trial can be. The chances a NY jury will come back with a not guilty verdict is wishful thinking....
[quote]Apparently the NY statute doesn't specify WHICH other law you broke in furtherance of your illegal records. Oops.[/quote] So jurisdiction doesn't matter now? NY law supercedes federal law and the constitution? When did that start?...
[quote]By lying about the reimbursement of Cohen[/quote] Trump didn't lie about the reimbursement. To believe the prosecution on this matter one would have to believe Cohen was working for free after the election. That is probably the most absurd thing about this whole trial. That grifter Michael C...
[quote]NY law 17;152, conspiring by unlawful means to promote or prevent election of a public office.[/quote] Applying NY statute to a federal election? How does that work exactly?...
The underlining crime that resurrects and elevates the misdemeanor is a "choose your own adventure" style prosecution. The judge is allowing the jury to choose from a buffet of "possible" crimes regardless of whether they fall within the jurisdiction of NY state law and without unanimous decision. ...
[quote]A strong federal issue would be required.[/quote] Election interference. ...
[quote]Remember, skipping the proper appeals court path was already determined to be lawfare, also. Wouldn't want to become hypocrites.[/quote] The protections of due process are for the defendant, not the government. Nothing hypocritical about that. A vindictive prosecution wanting to bypass norma...
[quote]timing problem with the Democratic convention.[/quote] Pretty sure the state law existed before the democrats set a date for their convention. This "timing problem" belongs solely to the DNC. The default mindset of leftists is that laws don't apply to them. Ohio begs to differ....