Favorite team:Wisconsin 
Location:Charlotte, NC
Number of Posts:2797
Registered on:8/27/2016
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It’s the same people who take ten minutes at the ATM. Are you applying for a mortgage or something? I need cash like once or twice or month and inevitably get stuck behind someone who takes forever. I’m done in like 30 seconds ...

re: Jay'viar Suggs expected sign to LSU

Posted by Bruco on 5/14/24 at 10:13 am
UW just offered another DT, so I think that bodes well for you all ...
I haven’t read she book so I don’t have the context but there is nothing even remotely positive about the Bolsheviks or communists being portrayed. Especially tonight’s episode Shows desperate people willing to do anything It’s been obvious for sometime that the hotel portrays a false narrat...
[quote]How good is Gio Paez?[/quote] Serviceable, but he wasn’t invited back for a 6th year. He had been gone from any team activity or training since the bowl game when he entered the portal But he has played a lot of football and is obviously physically mature. ...
[quote]I think we get Huntington and Suggs.[/quote] You might get Suggs, but I would point out that his former HC at Grand Valley is now a defensive assistant coach at UW and a former teammate is a likely starter at DB, so I feel decent about my Badgers chances, though unlikely they will get into...

re: How good is The Other Guys?

Posted by Bruco on 5/1/24 at 1:50 pm
And then when they get out of the airport van: “I gotta tell you, I started getting a hand for that, a taste for that Pai Gow.”...

re: How good is The Other Guys?

Posted by Bruco on 5/1/24 at 1:28 pm
I have a small apartment. No one knows about it. I use it mainly for my parents and prostitutes. Not at the same time. That would be wrong. Ridiculous amount of good lines in that movie ...
Only time I’ve sent back something is when I’ve had a legitimate food safety concern like some undercooked chicken. So basically I’ve sent back food like twice in 25 years. My view is that if it’s bad or not done right, the solution is just to never go there again. I also struggle with e...
[quote]Airlines are one of the most subsidized industries in the world, and despite all the public money and in-kind services, the experience of taking even a short flight is fricking horrible. So I'm all for it.[/quote] So, to deal with our inefficient and heavily subsidized existing infrastructu...
[quote]Given that most end of life expenses tend to be medical, it’s best to reserve it for that.[/quote] That’s how I look at it. I’m not touching it and saving it for “retirement”, but my assumption is that ultimately it’ll go towards medical related care. ...
[quote]Now I can frick around a lot but I often have to take calls at all hours, send emails late or early, and occasionally work some very long hours and/or go in on the weekend. I genuinely prefer it this way.[/quote] Yep. I’ve worked past midnight and a ton of weekends. I’ve also watched a bunc...
[quote]Teach someone else to handle it.[/quote] It’s not always that simple. I’m the one with approval authority. Policy and the feds require someone in risk to sign off on our deals. Can I delegate that authority. Sort of. I can only delegate to someone in Risk and they cover different ...
[quote]but if a private equity client is working on a live deal, your vacation isn't relevant to the diligence schedule[/quote] Yep, that’s my life. I once traded calls and emails with a PE associate level guy on HIS wedding day. We aren’t that bad, but when your clients operate like that, th...
On active deals, yes. Other crap, no. Unfortunately it’s not realistic to have someone jump in on a deal I’ve been working on for a month. I do as little as possible but as much as needed. The good part is that if things are quiet, we aren’t expected to just clock time. I’ve had plenty of ra...
Bonuses were rough this year. Cash bonus was 30%, stock bonus (3 year vest) was 20%. Target is 40% cash. Last year cash bonus was 54%, with a stock bonus of 15%. Target cash last year was 35% (got a title promotion this year that bumped the target to 40%). They paid slightly above target on ...
[quote]Who made the MPH claim? Was he with a group and they verified it? Or did they do crash analysis to determine? Just curious.[/quote] Don’t know, but in the articles I’ve seen, his lawyers are not debating the speed he was traveling. Presumably the level of damage would imply a range. The gu...
[quote]see alot of hospitals financial statements, and like I said, most patients are net losers.[/quote] How is there money for never ending new building projects? I pass a massive hospital complex every day in charlotte (Atrium Health) and it’s been under construction for 10 years non stop....
[quote]How can someone be a public escort? Presented as an experience instead of “pay me for sex”?[/quote] Because the last thing law enforcement cares about is high end escorts. They don’t cause any public problems. No one calls the cops because they think there neighbor makes a grand an hour ba...
[quote]65 mph in the dark and drunk - plain damn stupid[/quote] Was curious, the basic rule of thumb seems to be that anything over 30 mph is overdriving your headlight and not considered safe as you won’t be able to stop within the beam of your headlights...