Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:2949
Registered on:6/24/2016
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[quote]He’s mad I called him pour [/quote] You poor yourself a drink to celebrate this epic burn?...
[quote]they do not have the resume, by any metric, to be a 2 seed[/quote]. They’ve won 16 of their last 20. 5 of the last 6 SEC series including one against the number 1 team in the country and another win against a number 1 in the tournament and an RPI of 17. They absolutely have the resume to ...
[quote]ETA: that would be 11 additional LIV golfers (23 total) if we were using Data Golf rankings[/quote] Why would they use Data Golf rankings?...

re: Has Viktor Hovland gone Full Tard?

Posted by Zanzibaw on 4/11/24 at 2:29 pm
[quote]They said on the featured group broadcast a few minutes ago that he was struggling this year, then he figured out he had an extra 5mg weight on his driver he didn't remember putting on. He apparently removed it and started hitting fairways again. [/quote] That was Fitzpatrick...
[quote]Alabama plays @fsu and has Wisconsin at home[/quote] Was Mercer not available?...

re: Arkansas pisses me off

Posted by Zanzibaw on 3/29/24 at 8:48 pm
[quote]They make you pay for walks more than any other team we play. You can't make mistakes against them.[/quote] Which of the 5 walks are you referring to? I assume one of the 3 leadoff ones…...
[quote]Do you even Shula bro? I’m talking bout the real fans not the ones that tagged along after the success.[/quote] It's been 18 years. So most of the fans that even did Shula won't remember how to Shula....
[quote]Oakwing is in great shape. Links On The Bayou is struggling really bad.[/quote] Holy shite, what year is it?...
[quote]3u, 8i, putter.[/quote] Better be avoiding bunkers like the plague ...
[quote]There, I think I've hit all the ESPN buzz phrases they'll use for him on draft night. [/quote] You forgot that he's a lunch pail guy, cerebral, real coach on the field, and has his own set of keys to the workout room....
[quote]I don’t care.[/quote] But the thing about that is… you do...

re: Scramble Dates

Posted by Zanzibaw on 1/31/24 at 8:21 pm
Is Cam2 any good? Never played over there....
[quote]I saw somewhere talking about Rory maybe signing with LIV based on some of the things he’s said recently, him pulling out of events, talking about moving from FL to London, etc. That would def be some wild shite if it happened[/quote] I don't know why he wouldn't. He took on the role as...
[quote]A drunk, someone I had never heard of and a damn amateur.[/quote] If you've never heard of Greyson Murray, you don't follow golf very closely. Because if you did, you'd have just said two drunks and an amateur....
[quote]I really hope he wins with that RTR in his hair. The banter will be hilarious[/quote] Playing with two Bammers tomorrow. Would make it even better...
[quote]The “Peacock Exclusive Wild Card” game garnered 23 million total viewers[/quote] [quote]For comparison the Cowboys/Packers game had 40 million viewers.[/quote] So by streaming the game, they lost out on roughly 15 million viewers. Smashing success....

re: Damn. This is fun.

Posted by Zanzibaw on 1/12/24 at 10:39 am
[quote]Dark days are ahead[/quote] Sark* days are ahead...

re: Smash Golf unveil their new shoes

Posted by Zanzibaw on 1/11/24 at 1:42 pm
Why is a LIV golfer wearing pants?...
[quote]I noticed his son wearing Greyson stuff. JT is also a Greyson guy. [/quote] JT and Charlie are about the same size. Charlie just wearing JT hand me downs....
Vegas still thinks you aren’t as good as them so there’s that. ...