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Location:Metairie, LA
Number of Posts:13509
Registered on:6/17/2016
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He’s riding this conviction all the way to the White House! With a brief stop at an over turn. ...
How can one tell the party affiliation of a president from economic reporting? Good categories, numbers hiked and later lowered = Democrat. Good categories, numbers suppressed and later raised = Republican. Bad categories, numbers hiked and later lowered = Republican. Bad categories, ...
If you walk in with a predetermined outcome, do you really need to pay attention to the boring stuff?!...
[quote]Virtue signaling at its finest [/quote] She’s not signaling her virtue like a rainbow pin or BLM sticker. She’s trying to correct judicial malfeasance. ...
1-2-3 Easy Peasy 1-Cut off all Federal funds to them except EMERGENCY medical reimbursement. 2-Fine employers $1,000.00 per day per illegal. 3-Force wire transfer companies to collect a 40% tax from non US citizens or companies on all money leaving from “undocumented” people. No document,...
I remember the introduction of the Big Mac. I also remember McDonald’s advertising a hamburger, French fry, drink and change for a dollar about the same time!...
[quote]you can westernize without NATO missile silos on the Russian border. god damn you’re a fricking retard eta- 2 of those states are run by islamists FWIW[/quote] Wow that was an uneducated statement! Today, U.S. tactical nuclear weapons remain at six bases in five NATO member countries,...
[quote]Putin ceasefire proposal shows he never had interest in invading other countries. NATO charlatans exposed as liars. [/quote] Sure. And I never intended to have sex with super models and movie starlets!!!!! Of course neither one of us actually had the chance as it turns out. Sancti...
I guess she’s not ready to retire from politics after all, despite a huge case of diaper rash!...
CO2 is not a pollutant; it’s plant food. NASA confirmed that the world since the year 2000, is 20% greener! Greener is better! Warmer is better! Drill baby drill, and let the libtards of other nations ruin THEIR economies. ...
I truly believe that unless a miracle in the poles occurs, Joe will publicly announce health concerns have forced him to drop out in late July or early August. The candidate will be chosen in the undemocratic smoke filled back rooms. A black female would be ideal, but truthfully competence is un...
With this judge and jury, nothing matters!...
What type of rockets are you claiming the USA put in Ukrainian territory that threatened Russia? Bottle rockets, Roman candles, or Minuteman III thermonuclear missiles? Please enlighten us. ...
[quote]No and yes. Democrats did not love Russia but definitely hated Reagan. [/quote] Wrong! Democrats supported anything that Reagan opposed, and opposed anything Reagan supported. I never will forget the devastated look on Jimmy Carter’s face when the communist Sandinistas lost a fair elect...
I’m 100% MAGA, but you cannot attach it to public property, nor block public access. ...
Inflation is how the Democrats tax the poor, fixed income, and retirees! Remember, those in the know make money on economic change. Doesn’t matter if the economy is going up or down, just as long as it moves. ...
It’s too early for praise or condemnation. The worst leaders have some redeeming grace and the best have many mistakes. I voted for a different R. We will see if I vote for him in four years. ...