Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:10/8/2006
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Danger is my middle name.. Yeah Baby !!! [img]https://y.yarn.co/fb7624b1-02ec-4887-897f-6ad51d9471cc_text.gif[/img]...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by Spawn on 5/28/24 at 4:34 pm
Big Mike bringin' that wood. [img][img]https://i.imgur.com/JfwAiC7.jpg[/img][/img]...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by Spawn on 5/28/24 at 4:31 pm

re: Lizzo got made fun of on South Park

Posted by Spawn on 5/26/24 at 7:23 am

re: I knew Jay was getting tossed

Posted by Spawn on 5/25/24 at 7:29 pm
[quote]As soon he turned his back to the camera I knew some absolutely deranged shite was about to leave that man’s mouth.[/quote] He said.... [img]https://y.yarn.co/3d25e756-3784-4065-af2e-227f5ac3a5e7_text.gif[/img]...
I remember UCLA running us out of Omaha by bunting and smart base running. Seemed like they never got the ball out of the in filed. Baseball is funny that way. ...

re: Who is the most forgettable president?

Posted by Spawn on 5/4/24 at 10:34 pm
The US had numerous Chief Executives who served in the period when we had achieved independence from England and the enacting of the Constitution which officially created the office of the President . So I would say these guys... [quote]The Revolutionary War was fought for eight long years, f...

re: So does Haleigh Bryant come back?

Posted by Spawn on 4/20/24 at 7:08 pm
What else would she do? Join the circus ?...
I wore my fathers 40 year old tux to a charity event last weekend and it fit me perfectly. ...
They need to start going after people like Adam McKay , RFK Sr's daughter and the other Democrat Socialist activist who organize and fund these protest. ...
Ze Bugs will be eating HIM very soon. :rotflmao:...
Biden thinks he can bullshite and bluster his way through this like he has done with everything for the past 50 years. It will not work this time. ...
Most us us already knew this... [img]https://storage.googleapis.com/pai-images/b5c8b9ed24334238aff6ef5d13f996c5.jpeg[/img]...
[quote]Does Harris even know what a basketball is ?[/quote] No, but chances are she could suck one through a garden hose. ...
With apologies to Danny Devito..... [img]https://d3dkwn7op408kc.cloudfront.net/ckeditor_assets/2023/12/06/batman-returns-the-penguin-danny-devito-makeup-v18jpg.jpg[/img]...
Jimmy Welker was the scout team QB on the 2007 NC team. He did not see the field very much but did an awesome job preparing the defense every week for the next opponent. He probably could have started at a lot of other schools but stuck with us for four years. I think he is a high school foot...

re: That Caitlin girl is good...

Posted by Spawn on 3/30/24 at 3:19 pm
One way or another her 15 minutes will be up in a couple of weeks and she will be the next "Queen of the WNBA " which ain't much. Those plain Jane Midwestern looks are not really marketable so she should enjoy this while it last. ...