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I heard the coach took her out of the game in crunch time down 2 with 3 minutes left....and they lost. WNBA is a petty clown league. Nobody watches it but for Clark coming to town. You can't have your cake and eat it too....
[quote]I honestly believe Bird could have easily scored more if he wanted to but the Celtics didnt need him to score more. Bird played the most with two [b]Top 75 players[/b] in McHale and Parrish.[/quote] Bird made them better. The point of basketball is to win. A week after McHale set the...
[quote]Vineland[/quote] [quote]Sean Penn[/quote] Could see him begging to sign up for this. How is this book a movie except for tired, old crazy lefties? Love me some PTA but this source material would make Magnolia the most coherent movie ever made....
Women's Harrison Butker Jerseys Sell Out at NFL Shop.com a few days after his speech. [b]NFL sold out of Harrison Butker women’s jerseys following Benedictine graduation speech[/b] [link=(https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-sold-out-of-harrison-butker-women-s-jerseys-following-benedictine...
[quote]will write the screenplay for the movie, which will capture the life of the man [/quote] [img]https://c.tenor.com/EAUzxouorlUAAAAC/tenor.gif[/img] [img]https://c.tenor.com/eocW8nDmuQEAAAAd/homer-simpson-uh-no.gif[/img] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZnYyOHRocH...
Why this is even a controversy is a pretty sad indictment on the current mindset of the populace....
There's not enough hours in the day to watch the NBA....so maybe people take pride in doing things that are worth their time? [img]https://y.yarn.co/9c968ea1-f35d-468c-a494-7882e676c6e6_text.gif[/img] There was a time and place when the NBA could've been called special. But those days are l...
[img]https://fr.web.img6.acsta.net/pictures/17/08/04/14/17/381888.jpg[/img][i] The film follows Ronald Reagan's life from his childhood to his years as president of the United States, told by a former KGB agent.[/i] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.9b8863f522c54494d83dcb9ae81fab50?rik=FOQxv9B3...
[quote]Because it was bomb that was forgotten instantly by almost everyone[/quote] Well that's not remotely true....like many movies with poor Box Office, it became a cult classic like Office Space which BARELY recouped its budget in the theaters. Unless when you say "everyone" you assume ever...
The only thing in your rambling post I would agree with.... [quote]Jami Gertz looked much older than she was[/quote] She's a weird fit in the movie and the forced juxtaposition doesn't really work. They're trying to pigeon her as some older successful career gal vs. can't get her shite toge...
PCU has been blackballed for years on streaming... And we all know why....the mindset it ruthlessly mocks, is in charge....
I suppose Rodgers wouldn't be playing in it, he can't evem.get into the country....
[quote]Maybe Bluder can come out of retirement and coach that team[/quote] There's a theory on that....and the timing of her retirement....
[quote]Lawyer shows are utterly unrealistic but if they were realistic, nobody would watch them. [/quote] Well we all love a lawyer testifying while questioning a witness.... That's drama. I mean, just watch And Justice For All. But, to be fair, the country was riveted by the OJ trial..... ...

re: RIP Jim Otto #00

Posted by mizzoubuckeyeiowa on 5/21/24 at 7:05 am
At least they got the Graduate, Field of Dreams and Casablanca. Where's Aliens?...
[quote] keep it up .... the mainstream attention and fan interest aren't going to last much longer if they keep using her as a role player.[/quote] Yeah....when the fans League-wide go back away.... They'll look back like a guy passing up a date with the Prom Queen. She should be getting P...

re: RIP Jim Otto #00

Posted by mizzoubuckeyeiowa on 5/20/24 at 2:26 pm
[img]https://s.hdnux.com/photos/50/52/30/10659360/3/1200x0.jpg[/img] Greatest Raider ever....

re: "Major League" Movie

Posted by mizzoubuckeyeiowa on 5/20/24 at 1:19 pm