Favorite team:Atlanta Braves 
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Registered on:10/7/2015
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[quote]I truly feel sorry for you that you don’t like sex, or hold it in high regard. I am, of course assuming that you or your wife doesn’t have a health condition that prevents sex. I’m sorry you can’t differentiate between married sex, which is a normal and healthy component of marriage and ca...
[quote]Not sure about that, Max has been giving up no hits almost routinely lately. That's not to diminish what Sale has been, but Max is on a crazy run right now.[/quote] lol what? Sale has given up 2 total runs since April 26th. Not walking anyone and striking out a bunch of batters. M...
[quote]Don't get me wrong, definitely highly enjoyable, but damn, dudes (and women) will completely ruin their lives in a second when they could have just jerked off and taken a nap.[/quote] that post-nut clarity is a hell of a thing. ...
there are some rumors floating around that JGL is on the short list of actors to play Floyd...
For me, the answer to this is Terry Kath (died age 31). He kept Chicago in the rock space for his 10 or so years with the band. His death was followed by a bunch of weird personnel moves and the influence changed over time. They were at their best IMO when led by Kath/Lamm but went way too soft w...
can't forget The Real Ghostbusters, and there was even a Super Mario series that was actually called The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3 which I always thought was weird. It wasn't part 3 of the series, it was simply named after the NES game SMB3...
[quote]y'all aren't doing it right. you got to set up the PA with consecutive runs. there's no telling how many DBs i've faked out and thrown 80yd bombs for TDs because the DBs bit on the run. i've thrown TDs 90% of the time. [/quote] Also, I found that if you cancel out of playaction around the ...
[quote]I’m not melting yet and I’m not sky screaming[/quote] Yes…yes you are. To add to it…you are being a little bitch...
That dog in Homeward Bound did a great Michael J Fox impression ...
The zombie of Anne Heche has returned in full force...
[quote]Ben Stiller fixing to be busy[/quote] Need to go ahead and make Heavyweights 2 for the Evil Ben Stiller sequel trilogy. ...

re: Hot Girl, Heavy Spender

Posted by VinegarStrokes on 5/15/24 at 2:45 pm
I’d stick with this girl for a few years depending on your age. Take advantage of the fun shite you’ll get to do on her dad’s dime. Once she starts talking about marriage get out fast...
Reminds me of HBO’s Real Sex from back in like 1996...

re: PS5 Sports Games

Posted by VinegarStrokes on 5/13/24 at 11:30 am
[quote]Glad I'm not the only one[/quote] I saw that 24 was a free download on PS+ so I decided to give it a shot. Haven’t played 2K since probably 15 or 16. Fired up an exhibition and by the time I was down 15-0 I decided to turn it off and find something better to do :lol: Couldn’t make ...

re: PS5 Sports Games

Posted by VinegarStrokes on 5/12/24 at 6:38 pm
There’s basically one legit option for each sport, except racing (unless you consider stock car, open wheel, and sport racing to be different sports). Not a lot to recommend in this genre. Baseball - MLB The Show Football - Madden Basketball- NBA 2K Golf - PGA Tour Racing - F1, NASCAR, or G...
[quote]Going to take a special effort and real pivot to earn my interest back.[/quote] K...
I saw a kid yell “Phillip Seymour Hoffman” every time he shot a 3. My takeaway is that every kid has watched him nail Marisa Tomei from behind in Before the Devil Knows You’re Dead, in addition to his performance in Along Came Polly...
[quote][img]https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2024/05/1440/810/Haley-Blunt.png?ve=1&tl=1[/img] [/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/PMjbZc97okcAAAAM/jurassicpark-jurassic.gif[/img]...
[quote]Teri Hatcher they're real and spectacular[/quote] They are real, but there is nothing spectacular about them in real life. Probably the most disappointing nudes I’ve ever seen...