Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:1978
Registered on:8/16/2015
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[quote]Bumping a thread to say “I told you so” when you were nowhere to be found at the beginning is lame.[/quote] Lol shut up and eat crow pussy...

re: No Jalen Cook?

Posted by BigTimer23 on 2/3/24 at 11:47 am
Dumb arse...
Thanks for letting everyone know you don’t have the ability to critically think...

re: Spot the trophy difference

Posted by BigTimer23 on 12/12/23 at 1:28 am
Yep something as simple as Ponamsky filling out a form and short handing the university name not realizing it was what they were going to etch on the damn trophy… ...
I’ve tried several things myself, but they haven’t been successful. Does anyone have a recommendation for a company that specializes in removing moles?...
I’ve tried several things myself, but they haven’t been successful. Does anyone have a recommendation for a company that specializes in removing moles?...

re: Let’s see Moscona spin this one

Posted by BigTimer23 on 5/14/23 at 1:48 am
Link to this happening? Haven’t noticed it...

re: Beyond embarrassing

Posted by BigTimer23 on 4/1/23 at 2:19 pm
[quote]TigerFanatic99[/quote] Good lord you’re a clueless fricking moron. Or troll bitch. Terrible either way...

re: Would like to see Beloso DH today

Posted by BigTimer23 on 3/18/23 at 4:18 pm
[quote]Jones just looked a bit lost last night at the plate[/quote] Bump. Crazy I know, but that’s why you don’t make reactionary decisions off a single game in baseball...

re: I hate Alabama

Posted by BigTimer23 on 10/27/22 at 10:08 pm
[quote]kkv75[/quote] What a loser you obviously are...

Par 3/Pitch and Putt Course

Posted by BigTimer23 on 8/29/22 at 12:07 am
Any options in or around the Baton Rouge area anymore?...
Buncha miserable sacks of shite in this thread...
[quote]Congrats. We’re not gonna win [b]it[/b] all[/quote] FIFY...
[quote]Nearly shattered his shin. Was launched directly at him.[/quote] Yeah, totally. Clown....
[quote]Sounds like Tony was being a good guy returning the bat that almost nailed him?[/quote] You’re a clown...
[quote]Lol but no. The bat landed in the Vols dugout. He doesn't care that there was a bat flip[/quote] No, no it didn’t. It landed in the turf and rolled towards him, and he picked it up. And even if it had gone in the dugout, throwing it back is such a pussy move for a coach and team that does...
They just showed the replay, and that’s exactly what he was mad about. He threw the bat back towards their dugout like an angry child...
Then what was he so angry about?...