Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:1554
Registered on:1/14/2015
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re: I just quit my job

Posted by Quatre Pot on 6/2/24 at 5:58 pm
By the time I made the decision to leave a job the goose was cooked...
[quote]College of Charleston would have won 5 SEC games this year. Maybe.[/quote] And in my opinion that’s irrelevant. The SEC gets every built in advantage known to man. I have no issue with letting 13-17 SEC squads in who handle business in the non conference. Florida making this field 1 game ...

re: Start Little vs Wofford

Posted by Quatre Pot on 5/28/24 at 7:58 am
I love this time of year because it’s when the folks who have no idea how college baseball works and who’s good at it start to show themselves. College baseball could not be less like college football. In our sport, there are more than 10-15 teams with history and with a chance to make noise. Addi...

re: Job recovery data for each state

Posted by Quatre Pot on 5/22/24 at 8:42 am
[quote]Honestly it looks pretty split between red and blue states.[/quote] 16/20 top states looks about even to you? We should do business together ...
They’re not “the same” but they are both issues in their own way. Euthanasia is obvious. IVF becomes an issue when potentially fertilized eggs is discarded Thats a pretty consistent line for Catholics. Agree or not that’s why it was included ...
Depends on definition of south but Crowley is slammed every weekend ...
My thought is how did America’s Pastime- and my favorite sport- become invisible?? It’s nearly impossible to catch a game without paying for the MLB package. (Note I have YouTube TV and they cut MLBN) ...
Rentals???? WTF I’ve never been on a charter where gear, bait, and tackle weren’t included Do y’all charge extra to clean fish too? LOL...
2 things get you fired at public schools and it’s really only these two: Romances Finances...
[quote]Bruce Willis[/quote] Nope just more fortunate than I could ever deserve to be ...
Yeah I was in a plane that crashed right after takeoff. I was the only survivor from the plane ...
I was burned on 70-80% of my body It is the most painful thing the human mind could NEVER imagine The burn recovery process is worse Mentally and physically Hell on Earth...
[quote]due to too many people having given up because “what’s the use”.[/quote] I agree with your entire post and I will vote as I always have in every election. Unfortunately I will do so without any excitement or expectation that it matters a lick. For me, it’s not the Dem/ Progressices who’ve st...
Estate taxes are the least American thing ever. Absolute theft. I pay income taxes my whole life (stealing my labor), buy stuff and pay sales tax, own stufff and pay property tax (stealing ownership rights), and I pay license taxes for everything I do, and then if my stuff grows in value- capital ...
I believe that this LSU team is good enough to win a regional- if they make one- just not the SEC. With that said they had better get to work. I think your “prediction” reeks of hopium Realistically 2-1 @ Mizzou 2-1 v AU 1-2 v TAMU 2-1 @ Bama 2-1 v Ole Miss Is about the best one could e...
Wake me up when y’all do something I have ZERO confidence that they’ll stand by this. They should be looking to defund FISA regardless of warrant requirements. The letter agencies will abuse that too ...
Don’t use it with weighted balls for sure! Game use and light practice use will extend/ maximize its lifespan ...
I saw one in the late 80s early 90s. I was a huge nothing burger. Had to watch it through a hole in a box because you can’t look at the sun. For a moment it seemed like a really cloudy day……. That’s it...
[quote]Rich people fear mongering again on how the poor will ruin them [/quote] Least economically aware (and most predictable) response possible. When labor costs go up as a result of an increased minimum wage, the cost of goods sold also goes up, thus reducing the buying power of those mini...