Favorite team:New Mexico
Number of Posts:388
Registered on:9/18/2014
Online Status:Not Online

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Too bad the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") allows millions of illegal immigrants to buy innocent taxpayers' social security numbers on the black market, in order to earn wages, after their green cards expire, if they ever had one. Then, the IRS breaks their own laws to help the identity thieve...

re: Is the IRS racist?

Posted by Lobo Apple Sauce on 4/15/24 at 5:49 pm
[u]Black government employees are almost uniformly racist against white people. Very few exceptions[/u] You don't know the half of it about black government employees; and, the half you think you know, has a big black redaction mark across it....
[u]My husband has some old ones. They’re not that big of a deal, and I forget he has them.[/u] While I don't have one, my last two live-in maids each have tattoos no bigger than the size of a nickel, in very private places. Both of whom are white women, have completed their tasks. But, it is not ...
Beta-blockers have a short half-life of about three to six hours, conservatively speaking. So, maybe schedule your physical activities around that, if you're able. Check with your medical practitioner first, however....

re: Hair Loss for 18-year-old

Posted by Lobo Apple Sauce on 9/27/23 at 4:29 pm
Some Spanish women use Sharpie™ pens on their eyebrows. That might cover his bald spots....

re: Building a home gym

Posted by Lobo Apple Sauce on 8/2/23 at 12:49 pm
You didn't mention it, but a full length mirror is helpful for monitoring form in a home gym. Good for you about not using a gym. Since high school, I've always worked out at home, with my steel Yorks, mirror, and such....

re: America Wake Up to Woke

Posted by Lobo Apple Sauce on 6/27/23 at 6:15 pm
[quote]Tell me, how far along have you gotten w your FOIA[/quote] I actually addressed matters through Office of Special Counsel (a joke), and courts, and not the FOIA route. Things have taken forever, and depends on the judges' leanings....

re: America Wake Up to Woke

Posted by Lobo Apple Sauce on 6/26/23 at 1:59 pm
[quote]anti-white[/quote] Sadly, the African Americans installed at the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") allow millions of illegal African immigrants to commit identity theft by buying innocent taxpayers' social security numbers on the black market, in order to earn wages, after their green cards...
[quote]they are concentrated in most of the nation's major cities, with new ones entering the system daily[/quote] This is case in point, that NFL needs to end. This problem is only going to get worse with current AAs and new African immigration. Recent negress immigration:[link=(https://youtu.be...
[quote]they are concentrated in most of the nation's major cities, with new ones entering the system daily[/quote] This is case in point, that NFL needs to end. This problem is only going to get worse with current AAs and new African immigration. Recent negress immigration:[link=(https://youtu.be...
We don't know whom it will be emulating the negress version of the "New Orleans Sniper." You social media crowd types do not know the half of it; and, the half you think you know has a black redaction mark on it. ...
[quote]Lots will permanently go to sleep[/quote] Too bad the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") allows millions of illegal immigrants to buy innocent taxpayers' social security numbers on the black market, in order to earn wages, after their green cards expire, if they ever had one. Then, the IRS...
A male I know owns a company that employs between 26-28 male employees. And, it's his policy never to hire guys over 5'8". I guess he can dominate them better. We women don't operate like that....
[quote]If a rapper and name begins with L'il[/quote] Awww, come on, Li'l Peep did his best during his short life. [link=(https://youtu.be/3rkJ3L5Ce80)]Benz Truk[/link]...
Why can't California write legislation requiring a 19 month residency requirement to get this reparation? Make other states chip in, and AAs will move there in droves and settle down to get the reparation payment. While we're at it, have all of the NFL teams and hair straightener salons transfer t...
[quote]Perhaps but Negro racism against Asians is far greater than it has been in the past.[/quote] Sir or madam, with all due respect, I feel the word 'negro' is offensive.  As, it technically excludes females. Please consider expanding on the word "negro" for the inclusion of females by using th...
[quote]Cameras are showing us the real animals & racists[/quote] We've been hearing about this sort of thing since 1965. [link=(https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p00yqj3p)]Alistair Cooke-Letter to America[/link]...
[quote]My heatlh issues make it difficult for me to do much in the kitchen now but I enjoy seeing these!![/quote] Miss madamesquirrel, I am sorry about your health issues. I was injured in the line of duty, resulting in fine hand tremors; so, I have a paid helper for kitchen tasks, and don't eat m...
Louisiana Lady Holy Grale Gris Gris Meridian Dog...