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Registered on:9/15/2014
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She is absolutely correct, I've been saying this for years. All the losers from the 80s and 90s who could not get laid are now running the goverment....

re: Biden Has An Episode in France

Posted by JCdawg on 6/6/24 at 11:00 am
I think they want to at least get to the convention. I’m sure they have their “guy” ready, but won’t make the change unless he is still down in the polls as he is right now. ...
[quote] I’ll keep posting that this should easily be the biggest story in the world with an honest media.[/quote] They are to cordial with that stupid moron press secretary, even Doocy. They should be point blank ridiculing her for her own ineptness, and why they won't admit the guy is shitting...
Because it’s all a fricking game. The administration wants them to block it, it’s all just a virtue signal anyways....
[quote]Echo chambers like this are so damaging to the American political psyche.[/quote] What a feckless imbecile you are. If you make any conservative post on reddit, it would be immediately removed and you would be banned. Yet you come over here with this vaginal bleeding claiming this is an ...
[quote]Athens-Clarke County (city & county merged years ago) are actually part of the Greater Atlanta area (Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Athens/Clarke), although it's 75 miles from Atlanta. [/quote] Athens is not part of the Atlanta MSA, its part of the CSA. MSA is what the OP is basing his statistics...
Because the flavor of a generation is climate change propaganda, victims are brown, and oppressors are white. Anytime a brown person loses at anything, its because of colonialism, systemic racism, or climate change. Its really that simple....
They want everyone else to be as miserable as they are, poor and unattractive....

re: 2024 Falcons schedule

Posted by JCdawg on 5/17/24 at 3:39 pm
I legitimately think 7-10 with that schedule....

re: No election for Ukraine

Posted by JCdawg on 5/14/24 at 6:57 pm
He means they don't have the systems in place to fraud their guy into winning. They could care less if their guy won legitimately or not. ...
Ballot printing well underway. [img]https://cdn.grove.wgbh.org/dims4/default/9a19d1c/2147483647/strip/true/crop/3000x1694+0+152/resize/960x542!/quality/90/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fk1-prod-gbh.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com%2Fbrightspot%2F98%2Fc3%2Fc7a6ab5ccc125a7f683d9bdddb6c%2Frunbeckphoenix-9528-custom-6...
Just give them five days and 10 pallets of absentee ballots. They will get it done....
[quote]The media are such clowns.[/quote] No kidding. They say it with such authority, they should be embarrassed....
Flavor of the year. BLM, LGBT+/$, this election year it’s Palestine. The feckless morons will jump on whatever bandwagon social media tells them too. ...
Must be some of those 81 million voters....
[quote]Because it most often serves our strategic interests to do so. It saves us from having to send our own troops to stabilize a situation that we would rather see stabilized, which not only saves our soldiers' lives, but also a significant amount of money. I gave you an answer. Now answer som...
Stooge for Raytheon just fear mongering....
Zelinsky isn’t in charge of anything. He’s an actor put in place to act. ...