Favorite team:Tulane 
Location:Chocolate City
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Registered on:6/5/2006
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[quote]How many times does this make him threatening usage of aircraft against the public?[/quote] At least twice, I thought this was going to be the clip from a year ago. Seems like it’s something he’s parroting....
Definitely staged. Her daughter filmed the whole day and will probably try to make a documentary with the footage when that old witch finally kicks the bucket. ...
This is like a movie when you make a deal with the devil to achieve your life ambitions but when you do everything is completely fricked up. Imagine 1980’s Joe Biden seeing this video. He would probably hang himself. ...
I’ve seen it a good bit lately. It’s the same thing they have been doing for years. Accuse their opponent of what they are actually guilty of. ...

re: Black & Beige/Cream

Posted by TigerNlc on 6/10/24 at 8:27 pm
I think I like the white numbers better on the black jerseys and matching the pants stripe to the helmet would be an improvement....
There’s no reason to allow any non citizen to purchase land in America. You should have to give up citizenship of any other country to own land in America. ...
It’s the most blatant racism I’ve ever seen in sports since I’ve been alive. ...
That’s something a crazy woman would say. ...
[quote]People feeling sorry for Muslim terrorists is honestly a gigantic mind frick.[/quote] I don’t feel sorry for Muslims and don’t even care for that religion honestly but it’s odd so many wars are Jewish based. ...
99% of these whores in power make zero sense. ...
Remember the disinformation governance? That was totally normal. ...
There’s some truth in there. ...
I don’t know if he could step down from anything without falling....
[quote]I don't think so, looks like he was doing a loop way too low and just barely didn't pull out of it. Wasn't like he crashed straight into the ground. That's a lot if Gs for anyone to pull, especially a 90 year old. May have passed out[/quote] I’m no doctor but I don’t think you alway die in...
[quote]Why is there so much sympathy for Israelis? What have they ever done for us?[/quote] Taken over our country and ruined it. They control the narrative now. ...
Remember when they said there’s no reason to ever hit a woman?...
[quote]Modern Germany takes responsibility and also considers that the Allies freed them from tyranny too.[/quote] That doesn’t work for white people in America with slavery. ...
Classic Jimmy Carter decision making....