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[link=(https://www.thaddeusrussell.com/podcast/142)]UNREGISTERED 142: STEPHEN KERSHNAR[/link] I remember watching this a couple years back, you can find it under a different title hosted on YouTube. But he’s a philosophy professor. Can’t remember most of what was covered, just being shocked and f...
Never implied any of that. For both of the actions mentioned there should be consequences. But their should be a pathway for people who feel they may harm others to get help, therapy, or even chemical castration if that person so wishes. ...
I absolutely love thinking about these victimless taboo topics, incest and beastiality it makes our brains become discombobulated. Our sheer emotional disgust of the topic makes us incapable of thinking logically, and is the basis of the hatred for homosexuality. A person should be able to s...
Yea capitalism which was created by democracy, created by the age of enlightenment, created by global literacy, created by the reformation…. These created all the good and bad things of modernity. Go listen to some Joseph henrich interviews. But we traded family and interdependence for individualism...

re: The economy is just broken

Posted by Rust Cohle on 5/19/24 at 8:28 pm
You can get a 1yo sr5 for 35k. I’ve leased for the last 4 years, mid size truck for $250 a month. Huge PIA to get the deals done though. About the economy… yea free market doesn't seem to be free marketing...
Ok so $800 for a tri axle is 15 yards, so $53 a yard. You are actually paying more at $60 Tandem axle 12 yards Tri axle 15 yards. There’s a big discrepancy on what you get when you get materials delivered, and I’ve had a hard time getting straight answers, but some drivers have told me that o...
You can probably get it fresh for the same price. I don’t think think the recycled will be a workable size for you either....
I think people would tolerate the idea more if it was thought of as a disorder. Confusing thing is, many of trans people and supporters would proudly proclaim they have ocd,add,bpd etc., but the idea of gender DYSphoria being a dysfunction is unacceptable....

re: Armstrong HVAC

Posted by Rust Cohle on 5/16/24 at 5:59 pm
You can get a goodman for half that price 10 year warranty. HVACdirect.com...
You can not acutely overdose on it. As long as you don’t put a bag on your and suffocate. People who do this chronically become vitamin B deficient, and become retarded, but it’s mostly reversible. And when I say chronically, it’s like hundreds of canisters a month....
Haha nice! [img]https://i.imgflip.com/8q5zt0.jpg[/img]...
[quote]I don’t have some unique willpower[/quote] From the type of willpower that you are implying, I would say you don’t have any willpower at all, and it’s just an illusion. I would encourage anyone that believes that being fat is just lazy or a choice to read Robert Sapolskys book behave. Your...
I didn’t know about ddp4. There are drugs that suppress this enzyme, but it doesn't look like it leads to weight loss. I asked chat GPT if there were certain foods that increased this enzyme- “ Yes, certain foods can increase the activity of DPP-4. Foods high in protein, such as meat, fish, eggs, an...
[quote]Oh, it’s not the fact that they shovel 5k calories into their gullet everyday?[/quote] Sure calories in vs calories out, but you’re minimizing the scenario. It’s like asking “why did the car get in a wreck?” and determining that it’s because they hit each other. Even people knowledgeab...
[quote]Obese people losing weight improves their cardiovascular health -- doesn't that go without saying?[/quote] Not just obese, but most weights, normal and overweight also. What was failed to mention in the OP post was the most important finding in this trial, and was that they found Cardiova...
What is the difference between a weight loss strategy and a lifestyle change besides just not stopping the weight loss strategy? Shockingly 90% of people who lose weight gain it back....
You have to pick one, up vote for buck angel down vote for Blaire white. [img]https://yt3.ggpht.com/---TXEv0IMS0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/ZAcvABvYdMc/s900-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg[/img] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYTNkOTQ3ZTEtMDQ1Ni00NDkzLTg3YjEtYjUwODYyYjM4MGUxXkEyXkF...
Champagne, I appreciate the good will! This was a quote from Dan McClellan. I didn’t mention the name because it could cause bias and be dismissive. His slogan is data over dogma, and is points out the difference between scripture and theology. I’m not sure of the Methodist position. To prodigal...
The Bible does not address homosexuality because homosexuality is a reference to a sexual orientation. And sexual orientation is a modern concept that developed in the 19th century. This is not to say there was no such thing as same sex intercourse anciently, but they organized their understanding ...
Not factoring in the money, saved from people getting off of food stamps, and becoming productive members of society, what is the cheapest way to provide nutrients to poor people? Setting up stores seems expensive, the money spent having employees, store fronts, or even government. Made foods cou...