Favorite team:Texas A&M 
Number of Posts:3016
Registered on:1/24/2014
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[quote]I’ve never voted for a single democrat in my life. I’m also not voting for Trump who btw isn’t and has never been a conservative. That doesn’t make me a liberal you fricking clown.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/5kGBGXGq1cMAAAAM/jennifer-lawrence-okay.gif[/img]...
This is what happens when we allow people to change their Facebook profile picture to the Ukraine flag ...
[quote]Hogs also predate on fawn populations.[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/01b70b51-9955-49c2-b7ea-b926892cfcdb_text.gif[/img]...
It seems like Hurley has built the most headache free program in college basketball currently. He signs one blue chip recruit and a couple transfers per year, and coaches them up. At this point he probably has players willing to play for free just to get a ring....
[img]https://cdn.wnba.com/headshots/wnba/latest/1040x760/1630150.png[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/B_RRKL9XDFYAAAAM/animal-house.gif[/img] ...
Don’t forget about people of color and indigenous peoples ...
[quote]I wonder how much of this is due to having a mobilized war economy. Also, how much debt will russia have to get into to make it through the war and return to a post-war economy once things settle down.[/quote] Is Russia at war? I guess the MSM said Russia is at war. What if the MSM lied to...
When did it become acceptable for the general public to be bombarded with Jason Kelce’s every thought and action?...

re: Liberty Lagoon

Posted by BurlesonCountyAg on 5/27/24 at 6:21 pm
I had some friends over last night. No shots were fired....
No but I saw a magician saw a girl in half ...
[quote]I believe he is a project manager overseeing an apartment complex build. Is out of Lubbock and in Temple weekly[/quote] You married into it?...
[quote]UPenn is probably more concerned with equitable storm naming that represents minority cultures more than the actual storms.[/quote] I don’t about the names, but I guarantee you the storms will disproportionately affect people of color ...