Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Port Ludlow, WA
Biography:LSU 1990 to 1992. SIU grad 2019.
Interests:Family, Money, All things water, spear fishing, fishing & LSU football
Occupation:Retired Navy STSCS(SS), Defense Contractor
Number of Posts:2710
Registered on:12/23/2003
Online Status:Not Online

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I would probably only cruise on Celebrity again! No comparison....smaller boat, amount of people and the experience was simply WAY BETTER....
It was a once in a lifetime combination of CRAP starting with the fiasco's in politics that LED to 2008. Then the TBTF and printing of money (~9T US debt at that time) from the US and the rest of the world. Since 2008, about 39 Trillion dollars were created out of thin air, devaluing the real moni...
how about the runner NEVER touched home plate, regardless....
They should drop that game in as game 1 for the 2025 season....
I said MAY double, but probably HIGHLY unlikely. Ask anyone and everyone, people have stopped buying, started selling and are testing the waters of Bitcoin. Remember, Gold, Silver, etc.....are all still being mined and the supply is not that hard to get to, they are simply rationing the rate a...
I have lots of friends that are stackers and holders of bullion. NONE of them do it as an investment, it is simply a store of value for them. If it happens to go up, great, but that was never the expectation.......they all say that if INVESTING is what you are after, just about ANYTHING is a bette...

re: credit bubble vs house prices

Posted by oneg8rh8r on 5/13/24 at 9:19 pm
I would not be holding cash right now. Rates are not moving, housing supply going sideways relative to buyers, most of whom are paying cash. Dollar is about to get devalued as more countries shite can the dollar and all of those dollars come back. Too many dollars and too few goods, hyperinfla...
Ever wonder why that is? No buyers. Only sellers. Gold and silver MAY double by 2030, but it is no longer even a good store of value, relatively speaking....
Bellagio, but my first choice wound up being USC's hotel, lol. I couldn't do that!...
The fact that it comes at the hands of the Anggie's only makes it that much sweeter. If they weren't ranked #1, it wouldn't have helped as much....

re: $500K

Posted by oneg8rh8r on 3/31/24 at 4:29 pm
First off, Do you need ANY of it to pay your bills? It doesn't sound like it so you should be good to invest. How old are you, what is your timeline for a great return? Or, are you simply wanting to preserve buying power? Do you own your a home? Do you already own investment real estate...

re: Life as a Lawyer Advice Needed

Posted by oneg8rh8r on 3/31/24 at 1:20 am
I have one more season of "Suits" and I'll get back to you. I would think that if environmental law is her direction, LSU would be the best. ...

any Mercedes E 450 owners

Posted by oneg8rh8r on 3/28/24 at 10:18 pm
Looking at one and would like some feedback....

re: Tyler Miller commits to LSU

Posted by oneg8rh8r on 3/17/24 at 5:01 pm
Welcome aboard young man!...
Why RIVN? why do you think this is going to be a good company in time, what do they do, build, or deliver that nobody else does? My 2 cents, just like building a company.... find a Nitch that NOBODY else occupies, determine if there is a NEED, and what you are going to do fills it and can't be d...
I'd tell him to get bent. He made his choice, live on his high horse and deal with it....

re: What Bitcoin ETF are you buying?

Posted by oneg8rh8r on 3/4/24 at 5:29 pm
FBTC They are only 1 of 2 that actually have self-custody and hold their own coins, everyone else is using Coinbase from what I'm told. If you look at the performance on TD micro charts between FBTC and IBIT, it has FBTC earning more over the time since inception. Their rates are going to c...

re: Why is Bitcoin soaring?

Posted by oneg8rh8r on 2/29/24 at 1:40 am
If you are just attempting to figure out BTC at this point, you are late to the dance......VERY LATE. You had better do some video watching and open your mind to a different way of thinking about money. The good news is it is never too late. The real news is BTC has finally received world w...
the real question is do the members of the club make better returns than the people that short Jim Cramer? lol...

re: Looking for advice on credit cards

Posted by oneg8rh8r on 2/17/24 at 4:54 pm
The upgrades I received this past year were all complimentary upgrades, for me and my wife. When I earned Platinum, I earned 4 forced upgrades for this year as well....