Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
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Registered on:3/1/2006
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Why would she even post that? Why would she post anything on social media at this point?...
[quote]Any thoughts?[/quote][quote]Also, in context- most of this month she has been hotel living bc she says she feels unsafe around me etc - so I’m confident that most of the credit card money is hotel rooms [/quote] Railed by l3lacks...
Lil buggie say he threw with it...
Biden was "drugged up" =/= Biden did well....
[quote]There's more to this story and you know it and don't want to bring it up.[/quote] That's what I'm thinking.. OP keeps mentioning how SILs say they got rid of the cat, but what else did they say? What's [i]their[/i] side of the story? I'm not saying she deserved it, but there's got to ...
Neutered that girl. I bet she doesn't have as much bass in her voice, if she ever chooses to speak again....
[quote]You don’t want[/quote]Therein lies the problem.....
He is 100% gay. Likely a pedophile too. You can easily tell by looking at his gay arse face ....
Pic from her twitter, that time she invited the entire class over for an orgy: [img]https://i.imgur.com/Js59v3l.jpeg[/img] Another twitter pic, showing what her butthole looks like after the orgy: [img]https://i.imgur.com/1Q6emvT.jpeg[/img] ...
Word is bond, son......
[quote]They know they have you trapped, you paid to enter the festival.[/quote] Strawberry Fest is free admission.. [img]https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/021/665/DpQ9YJl.jpg w=250[/img]...
[quote]I’ll never understand why adult males consume opinion-based political programming of any stripe. It’s universally cringe.[/quote] Yet here you are, an adult male consuming opinion -based political postings on a computer, not understanding the irony of the dumb shite you just posted....
[quote]Jimmy Uso vs. Jey Uso[/quote] :dude: I'm most excited for this match. My son and I will be "Yeeting" and "No Yeeting" all over the living room. It's going to be fun.....
[quote]in the hot tub until 3:30," passenger Bryan Sims tells The New York Post. " [b]It was standing room only[/b]."[/quote] Sounds yucky and miserable. I'd jump overboard too....
Portland Wall of Moms protestors, who were provoking for photo ops and also hurling dog shite at federal court houses. [img]https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/XEYJ6MGL3EI6VGNQQQTOE3JAHM.jpg[/img] These same people went on to cry,"Foul!", whenever January 6 rol...
[quote]Darby & Sting tried to die in the ring during Sting's last match last night[/quote]Any links to a replay of the match?...
[quote]Useless bit of trivia [/quote] Dragonflies have the highest success rate of all predators. They catch their prey at a 95% rate. ...