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Location:Armpit of America
Biography:Ex-football coach
Occupation:International Trade / Logistics
Number of Posts:1963
Registered on:9/14/2013
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Same Reason the Globalist print $USD’a thru the Federal Reserve and send it abroad to shitholes all around the world, NATURAL RESOURCES. They pay-off the warlords The warlords allow access to the Globalist mining companies or oil companies. The local leaders send slave laborers into the minds (...
One of the hottest women walking the planet ?? ??...
That POS, fruitcake, Pedo, pillow biting scumbag is only sorry encode he got caught and his life is caving in on him. Hey Cock-Diddler, if you’re truly sorry, why don’t you hand over all the evidence you have on the Elites and take your punishment like a man! Do your part in taking down the Ca...
Idiot strikes again! Have you send the UK??? Let me guess. Since your a liberal, I’m assuming your one of these LGBTQXYZ TRANNY sympathizers or one of them yourself? Go to a Muslim run country and try that shite, you’ll be stoned to death or thrown off the top of buildings! Your pure ig...
Wow. I didn’t see the Xi & Putin meet-up and hug from Xi, we are in deep trouble with this war! Russia and China bonding will be a winning formula. I’m out on China, but as for Russia, I’ll go To my grave knowing that they are fighting the good fight! If you really listen to Putins speeches...
He’s perfect for their agenda! ...
Evil, sellout. Dictator, pedo, dementia-ridden, scumbag & anyone that supports this POS needs to go volunteer for the wars he’s allowing and instigating behind the scenes! We all know it’s not his brain trust as to what’s going on, he’s just their perfect scape-goat because he lacks a soul, heart...
It’s a real thing but recently has been mid-diagnosed. Just the same as a woman always calling a guy a narcissist. But I’ve known this one a-hole who used to be a business partner of mine and thought he is smarter then everybody and he had an MD. MBA and minor in Psychiatry etc.. and he was a g...
Well said CajunAngel! Rudy is an American Icon and Hero and even though he is getting older, he can still run circles around Dementia Joe!...
The illegals have 2 purposes. 1. For votes 2. To fight the American taxpayers and cause domestic terror when the Globalist push the button. The illegals are here to take over the USA, not to fight other wars. The Gov’t will try to draft what’s left of white america so they can kill us off ...
It’s called the GLOBAL BANKING CARTEL/NWO/GLOBALIST, that’s who is in control and has been since 1913 at the very least when the Fed was signed into law. This escalation is so predictable as anyone can look at my past posts and see how much more detail I’m predicting. This is purposely escala...
Slow Brain strikes again mentioning and insinuating that “solitary confinement” is some walk in the park. They treat legit terrorist better than J6 American citizens that were peacefully protesting! Who did nothing more than what other liberal groups have done In the past. You have zero idea ...
Could not happen to a more deserving clown, ANYONE VOLUNTEERING FOR EV’s FRICK YOU!!!! Your the problem ...
FRICK THE UNIONS MAJOR PROBLEM WITH OUR FUNDAMENTAL ISUES IN RHJA COUNTRY! Unions and lawyers fricked us all, prove me wrong you entities pricks! You made your bed and only thing is that you made all our beds and sold us down the river you punks, so for that, GFY...
FUENTES IS OVER THE TARGET!!! Anyone being put in the spotlight and attacked is “over the target” Anyone that can’t identify and diagnose this immediately is retired at best. Do your own research fellas. For Christ sake, so your own research and you will identify the stuff when It surfaces...
Every liberal idiot and UNIPARTY SUPPORTER on this board should sigh up and support your leaders wars, go “fight the good fight” you morons & put your money and arse where your mouth is! Ukraine needs you, lol And while you’re at it, sign up any of your clown friends and family that share your...
Nimrod strikes again. Yes they are, or are your that naive and stupid (which I actually think you are), but WHAT PART OF BILL GATES SPEECH to REDUCE GLOBAL POPULATION don’t you understand nor comprehend??? You bring zero intelligence to this board, you should go join Antifa board or better yet...
Hey a-hole MICHIGAN PUNK / TROLL’ SSI isn’t an entitlement you prick! It’s a Ponzi scheme set up by the same assholes you support and fawn over, the same evil pricks that will dispose of you once they no longer need useless pawns like yourself! Entitlement is a welfare queen An illegal alien...
This is some of the BEST NEWS I HAVE HEARD in the last couple weeks. lol could not happen to a better cause!...